I’m Audrey, 68, and I’m a food addict. In mid-January 2024, I experienced a heart attack. They found 99% blockage in my left anterior descending artery, AKA “The Widow Maker.” They applied a stent and sent me on my way.
This was indeed a wake-up call.
I began at 210 lbs with type 2 diabetes and a lot of fatty tissue on my belly.
My A1c was 8.6. I was weak, my joints aching, and I could barely walk around the house.
As of today,
– I weigh 159. I’ve lost 6 ½ (!) inches around my belly.
– I fit into pants I hadn’t worn in a year and a half.
– I walk 2-1/2 miles a day
– My blood sugars are completely under control.
– My average glucose over the last three weeks is 109. I use a continuous glucose monitor.
– The bloat is gone. The puffy, swollen face I thought was normal has become a slim, defined face.
-I can wear regular socks instead of compression socks without ‘cankles’ at the end of the day. First time in 4 years.
– No more joint pain
– I feel beautiful and HEALTHY for the first time in decades.
I’ll tell you how I did it without struggles or frustrations. But first…
Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a thing with food.
When I was maybe 5, I climbed on the bathroom sink, got into the medicine cabinet, and drank all the cough syrup because it was sweet.
My mom had to give me something to make me throw it up.
I remember being at someone’s house, and they had a bowl of candy, and I was so confused…
How could that candy just sit there for days and days, and they didn’t even care to eat it?
I was super focused on it and I ate as much as I could get away with.
I started realizing that others weren’t like me.
Our family regularly “pigged out,” and it was normal.
Nothing sat in our house for long.
There was sneaking and stealing and lying…
It was embarrassing not to be able to stop or hide the fact that I had eaten all of whatever it was.
I was ashamed, but I laughed it off.
I said I was a “foodaholic,” and I was sort of proud that I was “getting away with it” because I was pretty thin in my younger years.
It looked like everything was going well in my life on the outside.
I did well in school, set records in my college basketball and volleyball teams, and had a ton of friends.
But on the inside, I was super depressed.
I could not put a boundary in place to take care of myself.
I had no self-esteem.
I could say I wasn’t going to binge ever again,
That as soon as I finished this or that, I wouldn’t ever buy it again.
But I would find myself driving out late at night if I needed to get something; I needed it so badly.
Then, of course, I started gaining weight in my 20’s, and I couldn’t stop.
I tried diets but couldn’t stick to them.
I gave up completely and gained 100 pounds over a few years, and the weight stayed for good.
I was 230 at my heaviest (I’m 5’4 feet tall)
I was so ashamed and embarrassed.
Literally, my whole life was battling with weight. I think there was not a day when I didn’t think about losing weight.
It took an eye-opening heart attack for me to realize that most probably it was just an addiction to food I had to overcome, and it all started making sense.
Then I found what works against it (and I’ll tell you all about it in a moment)
Before all of the skeptics try to jump in on the conversation…
Since I started changing my life after the heart attack, I knew I had to be careful.
I showed my doctor the plan I was following, including all the steps and pieces of it—a grocery shopping list, recipes, tracking, everything.
He high-fived me and told me he was glad I embraced the carnivore lifestyle.
He is a great doc who works to cure people from type 2 diabetes with diet.
We don’t agree on meds (he wanted to help me lose weight faster with Ozempic), but I appreciate his support.
My cardiologist was also not opposed and, like my GP, recommended a carnivore—a meat-based diet—over the American Heart Association’s heart-healthy diet.
He’s also the one who explained that the heart’s preferred fuel is long-chain fatty acids, like the saturated fats in red meat.
It was the beginning of a freedom I had never known before.
Now, almost 6 months later, my life has completely transformed.
Having a set personalized plan and clear ‘instructions’ of the foods to eat gives me freedom, and the foods in the plan I follow give me full satiety.
It’s so easy—way easier than any dieting I have tried before.
I can be around others eating whatever they are eating, and it doesn’t bother me at all.
I’m free! And…
I often get asked what I eat. I keep things simple. Some of my favorites from my food plan are:
It’s what I love from my personal carnivore meal plan.
You can get your own personalized carnivore-based meal plan for weight loss here (you’ll have to answer a few questions to have it personalized to you)
I’m not taking credit for the plan. Still, I’m grateful to have come across it and to have been consistent with following it because it gave me such fantastic results.
The plan I use is called the Personalized Carnivore Diet Plan.
It includes personalized meal plans, shopping lists, daily trackers, and knowledge bites.
It’s everything I have shown to 2 of my doctors and got approved.
I would give all the details of my plan so you could follow it, but having someone else’s meal plan is just another frustrating diet.
We need that personal touch because we are different. And your own tracking – for accountability.
And when the daily menu is filled with delicious foods you (not somebody else) like – proteins, meat, fish, eggs, veggies – it takes only 3-4 days, and suddenly…
…there’s zero food chatter… “Did I eat too much?”, “Will I be hungry before dinner?”, “Am I going to gain weight?” None of that.
It’s automatic. So easy.
Today my bloodwork confirms my trend towards health.
My cholesterol, my blood sugar, etc. all show a healthy baseline. First time in decades.
There’s actual freedom now.
I hope a lot of people read this and find hope and freedom. Big foods and big pharma are keeping this info from coming out.
It works! It’s amazing!
If you haven’t tried but want to – click the button below for a short personalization quiz and get your carnivore plan – including recipes, trackers, and all related information.
P.S. If you have already tried this carnivore meal plan (I know a lot of us do it ‘in secret!), please share your experience in the comment section below – it’s anonymous.
Let’s see what effect it has had on you! 🙂
Thank you for your comment
Carnivore for 2 years now (keto for 4 years before) and it’s been spectacular! Amazing mood balance. Ton of energy. And I look better and younger than ever – incredible for skin. Never going back. (And it’s fun to be a slim v conventionally feminine woman eating 4 steaks at a work event – ppl literally gather around bc they can’t believe I’ll actually eat all that)
Aside from these (more generally applicable) benefits I also have an autoimmune condition (Sjögren’s) and ADHD, and carnivore has been nothing short of miraculous for both (these are the main reasons why non-carnivore isn’t really an option for me, but the other perks definitely sweeten the deal).
Only exercise is (lots of) walking. Where I used to really struggle w weight control before I’m effortlessly slim now (might put on 5lb if I have dairy a lot, but otherwise weight is reliably on the low end of my range. 20-21 BMI with lots of muscle – mostly lower body).
My only non carnivore intake is coffee and alcohol (mostly bourbon). No plants. Dairy off and on.
Hope this helps!
Eating carnivore really changed my lfe. I’ve got more energy, my cravings are gone, and I’m finally seeing the weight come off. I’m 30lbs off more or less and I think it even cured my allergies.
I tried strict Keto for 6 months. Had a little weight lose cravings for carbs bread and pasta were almost consuming me. Included intermittent fasting for another 3 months and only thing different was a boost in daily energy. Cravings got worse. Tried this app’s carnivore diet and felt great almost immediately so I am hooked.