We all have skinny people in our social circle who seem like they can eat whatever they want and never gain weight.
Although there are tons of opinions about why exactly thin people are thin, we’ve decided to ask someone who will actually know the answer – a scientist in human biology, Dr. Zachary Evans.
And he not only provided a clear answer but also gave a bulletproof solution to tackle excess weight and become leaner and healthier safely – with a science behind it.
As a doctor and scientist, I see a lot of conflict about the eating habits of thin people.
We assume that they eat healthily on most days or are very active.
However, it’s often a misconception.
Thin people are thin not necessarily because they eat less.
Overweight people have excess weight not necessarily because they eat too much.
There is something else.
Our thin friends order takeaways, drink sugary drinks and are not hesitant to have some wine or beer when they get home from work every day. Just like everyone else!
So HOW on earth do they manage to stay thin?
Answer 1: Our slim friends sometimes do consume fewer calories throughout the day. They will have pizza for lunch but will skip dinner, for example.
They might also be more active, not necessarily by going to the gym daily, but by walking more, being fidgety, parking a car further from the shop… But it’s just a small number of them.
Answer 2: It may sound difficult, but bear with me if you struggle to lose weight!
Thin people have an active enzyme that regulates metabolism and is often not activated (although there are ways to “fire it up”) in overweight and obese people.
It’s called an AMPK (5′ AMP-activated protein kinase), an energy sensor within our bodies.
If activated, this enzyme stimulates metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation, and improves muscle performance. 1
AMPK is also involved in several longevity pathways and may promote healthy aging. 2
Because of AMPK, thin people have a faster metabolism, an answer to why they eat what they eat and are still slim, yet others eat the same thing and wake up 2 pounds heavier the following day.
AMPK is emerging as one of the most promising targets for preventing and treating major chronic diseases, such as obesity, inflammation, and diabetes. 3
Good news, ANYONE can activate it (!), thus improving metabolism, which can mean you eat the same amount of food, but you’re dropping weight!
Method No. 1 High-intensity exercise
It includes running, speed walking, climbing stairs, jumping rope, and many more. Although for a beginner, it is always safer to work out with a trainer and start at a lower pace to avoid injury.
Unfortunately, high-intensity training is not immediately possible for everyone, especially if they’re already fighting the excess pounds.
Method No. 2 Ice baths
Ice baths have been shown to activate AMPK in tests with rodents. No studies on humans have been done yet, but considering how similarly we react to stimulus, this might also have the same effect on people.
Method No. 3 Guided intermittent fasting (not a starvation diet!)
I can’t express this enough. I’ve seen many people fail their intermittent fasting journeys because they limit themselves to the minimum, thinking they should starve to get the results.
To activate the AMPK through intermittent fasting, a person should never decrease the amount of food drastically.
Instead, they should follow a personalized fasting approach. It also eliminates worries like tracking, looking for healthy recipes, calculating, and many others.
My patients often ask me to create fasting programs for them, which I sometimes do.
But if I don’t have time to create a custom fasting plan for them, I recommend completing a short and free health quiz online to get an app for healthy fasting.
P.S The quiz is free, and the app offers a 7-day trial, so there’s not much to lose. You should just be willing to try. (link below)
And I advise my patients to use this app because it’s personalized and includes features that are vital for maximum weight loss results by activating an AMPK.
It is also very similar to what I sometimes create for my patients.
For anyone who doesn’t want to minimize their food intake or bathe in ice-cold water to speed up their metabolism and lose weight – personalized intermittent fasting is the way to go.
In the science community, we love to say that AMPK, through intermittent fasting, is a guardian of metabolism and a weight loss accelerator.
Imagine eating the same amount of food but still losing weight!
Take this free intermittent fasting quiz to see predictions on how fast you can start losing weight (improve your AMPK levels) and get your own personalized fasting app! Click below for a free quiz!
3 sources
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This is a great article!! Thanks for the clear and concise tips!
I do a 24 hour fast starting at 6 pm, I weigh 160 plus or minus. Age is 71 and exercise 6x a week but don’t see what ever it is you are supposed to experience happening yet. It’s possible that maybe 150 would be a target weight.
Need help to lose weight